Partner with Influencers

Grow your sales with trusted influencers

Find and hire top Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and UGC influencers to create unique content for your brand.

Get more done with our trusted team of experts.

Canibuy community management services go beyond answering comments and messages. We are passionate about creating a positive and engaging online environment for your brand’s followers.

By completing this form  Canibuy ™ will help you:

  • Request for quotation
  • Find the right influencers.
  • Understand the  Influencer Marketing strategy chosen for your needs.

How Can We Help? Frequently Asked Questions

If you open social media, you see UGC EVERYWHERE! You literally can’t miss it!

UGC is all the content created and shared by consumers around a brand or product. Usually in the form of videos, they are very effective to gain online visibility and engagement.
  • Studies show that today, in 2024, customers trust real people’s reviews more than ads.
  • UGC is more engaging than traditional marketing.
  • UGC content is cheaper.
  • UGC is THE best way to gain authenticity with any budget and good return-on-investment.


Idea : While talking, point with your finger at 4 directions in the air and we can add text on the video. Or another similar “visual aid” if you have a cool idea.

The passage predicts that as influencer marketing grows, more marketers will prefer it over traditional methods. This suggests influencer marketing is a trend with staying power, not just a passing fad.

In Canada, on average, the prices go from $50 CAD to $200 CAD to start, and can go up to thousands of $ for bigger campaigns with macro-influencers.


Idea : show with your hands like this

How to start UGC collaborations for my business? 


Choosing the right creators can be tricky, you can spend hours looking on social media for the right creators that align with your brand’s audience and values…  and when you’ve finally found THE ONE, they don’t respond, or their rates aren’t in your budget! (emoji 😱) You don’t know where to start, what to ask of them and simply don’t have the time! 


That’s where a COMMUNITY is necessary! The Canibuy UGC Creators Community takes care of everything for you. We work on the best strategy, scripts and campaign follow-up, and you can choose in minutes the best creators for your brand through our list of +100 creators.

We can get started today! Contact us now for a FREE CONSULTATION and we’ll create the best marketing strategy FOR YOU.

Find the right influencers

And get real ROI from your influencer marketing.

Everybody has influence — we can help you unlock it by finding super-users and advocates.

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How We Helped Vibefoods Double Their Engagement with Social Media and Influencer Marketing

The Challenge: Vibefoods, a delicious and healthy vegan chips brand in Canada, wanted to raise awareness for their product. They needed a social media presence that highlighted both the taste and the health benefits of their chips, while also creating a clear and recognizable brand identity.
Our Solution: We took a two-pronged approach to elevate Vibefoods’ social media game:

Leveraging the Power of  User-Generated Content


We knew that partnering with influencers could further amplify Vibefoods’ reach and engagement.

We carefully selected 3 Canadian influencers known for creating engaging and informative healthy food content. These influencers’ audiences perfectly matched Vibefoods’ target demographic.

  • The influencers created unique content featuring Vibefoods’ products, and to incentivize audience participation, we incorporated a giveaway.

The results were phenomenal!

The campaign was a huge success. Over 500 comments flooded in within the first 24 hours, and Vibefoods’ follower count added 180 new members. Over 1’500 entries were registered, with a coverage of over 3’000 people on all platforms.

Case Study

Revamping Vibefoods’ Social Media Presence:
  • Visual Refresh: We crafted a fresh, vibrant, and accessible visual identity that perfectly reflects Vibefoods’ fun and healthy brand personality.
  • Targeted Content: We created engaging content that showcases the deliciousness of Vibefoods’ chips while emphasizing their health benefits. This content mix kept the audience interested and informed.

The outcome? Engagement on their social media channels doubled, their brand image became clear, consistent, and easily recognizable.

The Key Takeaways:

This successful collaboration with Vibefoods highlights the power of a well-executed social media strategy and influencer marketing campaign.

A clear and consistent visual identity that reflects your brand personality is crucial for building brand recognition.

Crafting content that resonates with your audience and highlights your product’s unique selling points is essential for engagement.

  • Partnering with the right influencers can significantly expand your reach and build trust with potential customers.

Ready to take your social media presence to the next level?

We can help you develop a winning strategy that leverages the power of social media and influencer marketing to achieve your brand goals. 


Contact us today for a free consultation!