The basics of webmarketing

The web


appears to you as an obscure and slightly frightening nebula?


You think industry experts speak a different language to you?

At Canibuy ™ we do our best to adapt to our interlocutors and make our discourse intelligible. A clear understanding of our services allows us to be as transparent as possible with our customers, and forms the basis of a relationship based on trust. It’s with this in mind that we regularly remind you of a few web fundamentals, brought together here in this blog post.
And so..;

What is the web?

It’s not all that complicated to understand, as long as you know the definitions behind the jargon. Let’s go. The web covers all methods of making oneself visible on the web in order to increase notoriety and/or attract more customers. These methods are based on the rules laid down by the small SMEs known as “Facebook” and “Google”, whose search engine is the most widely used in the world. An effective web strategy therefore requires an excellent understanding of how Google and social networks work, and a constant ability to keep up to date. It requires the implementation of several levers. Canibuy ™ specializes in several of them, which are generally the ones used first by brands looking to gain visibility on the web:

SEO (“Search Engine Optimization”)

or “natural referencing”. These are all the free resources implemented on your site to ensure that it is correctly “referenced” (i.e. “ranked as high as possible”) in the search engine results pages. These free resources are of three types:

1. Technical resources

These are all the technical criteria a site must meet to satisfy search engine requirements. These criteria include, for example: fast loading times, a secure “https” site, correct “tagging” (code elements that tell the search engine the essential elements of the site, such as titles, subtitles, images, etc. – you could say that this is the “skeleton” of the site, invisible to the surfer), good adaptability to smartphone format (“responsive design”), ….

2. Content

Without being exhaustive, “good” content, once again according to the requirements of search engines, means: regularly supplying your site with new texts of sufficient quality and length (at least 250 words/page), avoiding redundancy, organizing your site’s pages by respecting a rigid structure made up of titles and subtitles, using a precise but varied lexical field (“keywords”) that refers to the site’s main subject, and finally using “internal links”, i.e. links that refer to other pages on your site.

3. Site popularity

This is the site’s position in the web galaxy, based on its interactions with other sites. The more “inbound links” a site receives from other relevant sites offering quality content, the better its ranking will be. It is said that it takes at least six months for the SEO work carried out on a site to bear fruit. Fortunately, other levers with immediate effects complement it. This is the case, for example, with SEA.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA):

This is paid advertising on the web, the main source of revenue for the giant Google. These ads are driven from a platform called “Google AdWords”, literally “word-related advertising”. Let’s take a look at the two main types of ads driven from AdWords:

1. Search ads:

The principle behind AdWords ads is to bid with Google to appear on keywords that are relevant to the subject of your site.

2. Display:

This time, it’s ads as we usually imagine them: an advertising insert called a “banner” in the corner of your screen. Google has a vast network of advertising spaces and makes them available to “advertisers” (companies needing visibility) who pay using the same Cost-per-Click process mentioned above. These Display ads are also driven by the AdWords platform, which offers audience targeting so that the ad is theoretically only seen by the relevant audience. Here’s what these Display ads look like:

SMA (Social Media Advertising)

Just as there are free and paid search engine listings, there are paid and free strategies for social networking. Compared to the information requested on social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook, there’s no need to specify that audience targeting here is even more refined than on Google’s AdWords platform.